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[1] “Supernova 2014C: Ongoing Interaction with Extended Circumstellar Material with Silicate Dust”, Tinyanont, S., Lau, R. M., Kasliwal, M. M., Maeda, K., Smith, N., Fox, O. D., Gehrz, R. D., De, K., Jencson, J., Bally, J., & Masci, F. , The Astrophysical Journal, 887, 75 (2019)

[2] “Properties of the post-inspiral common envelope ejecta - I. Dynamical and thermal evolution”, Iaconi, R., Maeda, K., De Marco, O., Nozawa, T., & Reichardt, T. , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489, 3334 (2019)

[3] “Nucleosynthesis Constraints on the Energy Growth Timescale of a Core-collapse Supernova Explosion”, Sawada, R., & Maeda, K. , The Astrophysical Journal, 886, 47 (2019)

[4] “Double-detonation Models for Type Ia Supernovae: Trigger of Detonation in Companion White Dwarfs and Signatures of Companions’ Stripped-off Materials”, Tanikawa, A., Nomoto, K., Nakasato, N., & Maeda, K. , The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 103 (2019)

[5] “Possible Contribution of Magnetized White Dwarf Binaries to Type Ia Supernova Populations”, Ablimit, I., & Maeda, K. , The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 99 (2019)

[6] “Radio Emission from Supernovae in the Very Early Phase: Implications for the Dynamical Mass Loss of Massive Stars”, Matsuoka, T., Maeda, K., Lee, S.-H., & Yasuda, H. , The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 41 (2019)

[7] “SN 2018hna: 1987A-like Supernova with a Signature of Shock Breakout”, Singh, A., Sahu, D. K., Anupama, G. C., Kumar, B., Kumar, H., Yamanaka, M., Baklanov, P. V., Tominaga, N., Blinnikov, S. I., Maeda, K., Dutta, A., Bhalerao, V., Anche, R. M., Barway, S., Akitaya, H., Nakaoka, T., Kawabata, M., Kawabata, K. S., Sasada, M., Takagi, K., Maehara, H., Isogai, K., Kino, M., Taguchi, K., & Nagao, T. , The Astrophysical Journal, 882, L15 (2019)

[8] “HSC16aayt: A Slowly Evolving Interacting Transient Rising for More than 100 Days”, Moriya, T. J., Tanaka, M., Morokuma, T., Pan, Y.-C., Quimby, R. M., Jiang, J.-. an ., Kawana, K., Maeda, K., Nomoto, K., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, I., Tanaka, M., Tominaga, N., Yamaguchi, M., Yasuda, N., Cooke, J., Curtin, C., Galbany, L., González-Gaitán, S., Lee, C.-H., Pignata, G., & Pritchard, T. , The Astrophysical Journal, 882, 70 (2019)

[9] “X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emission from Core-collapse Supernovae: Comparison of Three-dimensional Neutrino-driven Explosions with SN 1987A”, Alp, D., Larsson, J., Maeda, K., Fransson, C., Wongwathanarat, A., Gabler, M., Janka, H.-T., Jerkstrand, A., Heger, A., & Menon, A. , The Astrophysical Journal, 882, 22 (2019)

[10] “The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP transient survey in COSMOS: Overview”, Yasuda, N., Tanaka, M., Tominaga, N., Jiang, J.-. an ., Moriya, T. J., Morokuma, T., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, I., Yamaguchi, M. S., Maeda, K., Sako, M., Ikeda, S., Kimura, A., Morii, M., Ueda, N., Yoshida, N., Lee, C.-H., Suyu, S. H., Komiyama, Y., Regnault, N., & Rubin, D. , Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 71, 74 (2019)

[11] “Three-dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Supernova Ejecta with a Central Energy Source”, Suzuki, A., & Maeda, K. , The Astrophysical Journal, 880, 150 (2019)

[12] “Constraining Massive Star Activities in the Final Years through Properties of Supernovae and Their Progenitors”, Ouchi, R., & Maeda, K. , The Astrophysical Journal, 877, 92 (2019)

[13] “First Release of High-redshift Superluminous Supernovae from the Subaru HIgh-Z SUpernova CAmpaign (SHIZUCA). II. Spectroscopic Properties”, Curtin, C., Cooke, J., Moriya, T. J., Tanaka, M., Quimby, R. M., Bernard, S. R., Galbany, L., Jiang, J.-. an ., Lee, C.-H., Maeda, K., Morokuma, T., Nomoto, K., Pignata, G., Pritchard, T., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, I., Tanaka, M., Tominaga, N., Yamaguchi, M., & Yasuda, N. , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 241, 17 (2019)

[14] “First Release of High-Redshift Superluminous Supernovae from the Subaru HIgh-Z SUpernova CAmpaign (SHIZUCA). I. Photometric Properties”, Moriya, T. J., Tanaka, M., Yasuda, N., Jiang, J.-. an ., Lee, C.-H., Maeda, K., Morokuma, T., Nomoto, K., Quimby, R. M., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, I., Tanaka, M., Tominaga, N., Yamaguchi, M., Bernard, S. R., Cooke, J., Curtin, C., Galbany, L., González-Gaitán, S., Pignata, G., Pritchard, T., Komiyama, Y., & Lupton, R. H. , The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 241, 16 (2019)

[15] “SN 2017czd: A Rapidly Evolving Supernova from a Weak Explosion of a Type IIb Supernova Progenitor”, Nakaoka, T., Moriya, T. J., Tanaka, M., Yamanaka, M., Kawabata, K. S., Maeda, K., Kawabata, M., Kawahara, N., Itagaki, K., Ouchi, R., Blinnikov, S. I., Tominaga, N., & Uemura, M. , The Astrophysical Journal, 875, 76 (2019)

[16] “A hybrid envelope-stripping mechanism for massive stars from supernova nebular spectroscopy”, Fang, Q., Maeda, K., Kuncarayakti, H., Sun, F., & Gal-Yam, A. , Nature Astronomy, 3, 434 (2019)

[17] “The fast, luminous ultraviolet transient AT2018cow: extreme supernova, or disruption of a star by an intermediate-mass black hole?”, Perley, D. A., Mazzali, P. A., Yan, L., Cenko, S. B., Gezari, S., Taggart, K., Blagorodnova, N., Fremling, C., Mockler, B., Singh, A., Tominaga, N., Tanaka, M., Watson, A. M., Ahumada, T., Anupama, G. C., Ashall, C., Becerra, R. L., Bersier, D., Bhalerao, V., Bloom, J. S., Butler, N. R., Copperwheat, C., Coughlin, M. W., De, K., Drake, A. J., Duev, D. A., Frederick, S., González, J. J., Goobar, A., Heida, M., Ho, A. Y. Q., Horst, J., Hung, T., Itoh, R., Jencson, J. E., Kasliwal, M. M., Kawai, N., Khanam, T., Kulkarni, S. R., Kumar, B., Kumar, H., Kutyrev, A. S., Lee, W. H., Maeda, K., Mahabal, A., Murata, K. L., Neill, J. D., Ngeow, C.-C., Penprase, B., Pian, E., Quimby, R., Ramirez-Ruiz, E., Richer, M. G., Román-Zúñiga, C. G., Sahu, D. K., Srivastav, S., Socia, Q., Sollerman, J., Tachibana, Y., Taddia, F., Tinyanont, S., Troja, E., Ward, C., Wee, J., & Yu, P.-C. , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, 1031 (2019)

[18] “Importance of <SUP>56</SUP>Ni production on diagnosing explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernova”, Suwa, Y., Tominaga, N., & Maeda, K. , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483, 3607 (2019)

[19] “High-energy Emission from Interacting Supernovae: New Constraints on Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Dense Circumstellar Environments”, Murase, K., Franckowiak, A., Maeda, K., Margutti, R., & Beacom, J. F. , The Astrophysical Journal, 874, 80 (2019)

[20] “Evolution of Magnetized White Dwarf Binaries to Type Ia Supernovae”, Ablimit, I., & Maeda, K. , The Astrophysical Journal, 871, 31 (2019)

[21] “Relativistic Supernova Ejecta Colliding with a Circumstellar Medium: An Application to the Low-luminosity GRB 171205A”, Suzuki, A., Maeda, K., & Shigeyama, T. , The Astrophysical Journal, 870, 38 (2019)

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